The One Campaign - ONE.ORG |

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More than 38 million people around the world are infected by HIV/AIDS, 25 million in Africa alone. Left untreated, AIDS
leads to an early death for people in their most productive years who are needed to raise crops and families, teach school
and care for the sick. For more information about global AIDS click here.
Extreme poverty means living on less than $1 a day, unimaginable to us as Americans. ONE in five people around the world
survives on this amount, with few opportunities to earn more. For more information about extreme poverty click here.
International assistance saves lives, directly helping and empowering individuals to help themselves. Increasing international
assistance by an amount equal to just ONE percent of the U.S. budget will:
- Prevent 10 million children from becoming AIDS orphans
- Help get 104 million children into grade school
- Provide water to almost 900 million people around the globe.
- Save almost 6.5 million children under 5 from preventable deaths
- Build a better, safer world for all.
Parents in Malawi know just as well as parents in Missouri that education is crucial to their children's future. But around
the world, 104 million children do not go to grade school, because their parents cannot afford fees, books or uniforms for
all their children. For more information about getting children into school click here.
ONE person in seven has no access to clean water for drinking, cooking or washing. In addition to spreading disease, this
has multiple negative effects -- girls growing up in villages without water are far less likely to attend school because they're
too busy spending hours walking to and from the nearest water source. For more information about clean water click here.
While corruption is harmful to all governments, losing resources to corrupt leaders is particularly devastating in poor
countries where every dollar lost results in one less child in school or one less well dug to provide clean water. Approaches
like America's Millennium Challenge which direct assistance to honest governments are the most effective, as is channeling
assistance through private (and faith-based) relief and development agencies. For more information about fighting corruption
in the poorest countries click here.
Around the world, ONE person in seven goes to bed hungry each night. We need to address hunger not just by giving food,
but helping farmers in poor countries grow better crops and helping countries build farm-to-market roads so farmers can supply
distant cities. For more information about hunger click here.
18 million children have already lost one or both parents to AIDS, 12 million of them are in Africa alone. Unless more
is done, there will be 25 million of these children around the world by 2010. We have the opportunity to help. For more information
about orphans, click here.
As much as people in poor countries appreciate development assistance, no one wants to rely on a handout -- they want to
trade their way out of poverty -- but international rules make it difficult. A fair trade system would give people in poor
countries the chance to earn their way out of poverty by participating in the world economy. For more information about trade
rules click here.
Every year Sub-Saharan Africa, the poorest region of the world, spends $14.5 billion dollars repaying debts to the world's
richest countries and international institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Though we've made
efforts to relieve them of these unpayable debts, many poor countries still spend more each year on debt than on health care
or education. For more information about debt cancellation click here.
The world is experiencing a global housing crisis. Nearly 1 billion people live in substandard housing without clean water
or adequate sanitation, including more than 14 million refugees and internally displaced people living in tents or other temporary
shelters. An increasing number of these people are urban slum dwellers, and every week more than a million people are born
in, or move to cities in the developing world. If no serious action is taken, the United Nations reports that the number of
slum dwellers worldwide will rise over the next 30 years to nearly 2 billion. For more information about housing conditions
around the world, click here.
courtesy of:
The ONE Campaign partners are leading non-profit, advocacy and humanitarian organizations. In furtherance
of the ONE Campaign's mission, each partner organization will conduct activities appropriate to its tax-law status. The ONE
Campaign and its partners that are tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code do not support or oppose
any candidate, and any statement expressing support or opposition for a candidate is not endorsed or supported by the ONE
Campaign or its section 501(c)(3) partners.
Bread for the World Institute For more than 30 years, Bread for the World has been a Christian voice for ending hunger. It is a nonpartisan
citizens' movement of 54,000 people of faith, including 2,500 churches. |
CARE USA CARE fights root causes of poverty in the world's poorest communities. We place special focus on working
alongside poor women because, equipped with the proper resources, women have the power to help whole families and entire communities
escape poverty. |
DATA (debt, AIDS, trade, Africa) DATA aims to spark response to crises threatening hope in Africa: unpayable Debts, uncontrolled spread of
AIDS, and unfair trade rules which keep Africans poor. |
International Medical Corps International Medical Corps is a global humanitarian nonprofit organization that saves lives, relieves suffering
and restores self-reliance through health care training and relief and development programs. |
International Rescue Committee The International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst crises, helping refugees running from
the horrors of war and persecution. For 75 years, the IRC has been raising alarms with a global call to action and restoring
hope, dignity and opportunity for vulnerable people the world over. |
Mercy Corps Mercy Corps is a not-for-profit organization that exists to alleviate suffering, poverty, and oppression
by helping people build secure, productive, and just communities. |
Oxfam America Oxfam America helps poor and marginalized communities around the world harness economic opportunities and
advocate for their rights (e.g., women's rights, labor rights, indigenous peoples' rights) through grant-making, campaigning,
and emergency assistance. |
Plan USA Plan USA is a global partnership of caring people founded in 1937 to bring hope and help to the world's poorest
children. Our community-based programs assist more than 10 million children in 45 developing countries.

Save the Children For more than 70 years, Save the Children has created real and lasting change for children in need in more
than 40 countries around the globe, including the United States. |
World Concern A Christian humanitarian organization that provides emergency relief and community development in some of
the most neglected areas of the world. |
World Vision World Vision is a Christian relief and development organization dedicated to helping children and their communities
worldwide reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty. |
A Glimmer of Hope A Glimmer of Hope is making a sustainable difference in the lives of the rural poor of Ethiopia. By the end
of 2005, the foundation had completed more than 1,600 development projects and helped approximately 1.5 million people. It
launched its national aid program in Ethiopia in 2001. |
Action Against Hunger Action Against Hunger has been a world leader in the treatment of malnutrition since 1979, and has programs
that focus on nutrition, food security, water/sanitation, and basic health in more than 44 countries around the world. |
Africare A specialist in Africa, the oldest and largest African-American led charity in its field. In 36 African nations
since 1970, Africare has addressed AIDS, poverty and more. “I regard Africare as one of America's greatest gifts to
Africa,” says Nelson Mandela. |
Aid to Artisans Since 1976, Aid to Artisans has worked to promote fair trade, build economic self-sufficiency and preserve
cultural traditions in 110 countries around the world. ATA empowers artisans to improve their livelihoods through product
design, business skills training, and marketing. |
American Baptist Churches, USA American Baptists are a Christ-centered, biblically grounded, ethnically diverse people called to radical
personal discipleship in Christ Jesus. Our commitment to Jesus propels us to nurture authentic relationships with one another;
build healthy churches; transform our communities, our nations and our world; engage every member in hands-on ministry; and
speak the prophetic word in love . |
American Foundation for Children with AIDS American Foundation for Children with AIDS (AFCA) is a non for profit organization that saves lives and relieves
suffering to children affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic by providing free anti-retroviral medication and medicine to fight
opportunistic infections to children, their guardians and pregnant HIV+ women in sub-saharan Africa. AFCA is intent on helping
save the next generation. |
American Jewish World Service American Jewish World Service is a not-for-profit international development organization that works on a
non-sectarian basis, on behalf of the Jewish community, throughout the developing world and in Russia and Ukraine. |
Americans for Informed Democracy Americans for Informed Democracy is a non-partisan, student-led organization that raises global awareness
at more than 250 universities in the U.S. We seek to build a global generation that can lead America in our increasingly interdependent
world. |
AERDO AERDO exist to promote excellence in professional practice; to foster networking, collaboration, and information
exchange; and it enable its membership to effectively support the Church in serving the poor and the needy. |
Bead for Life Bead for Life fights extreme poverty by connecting people in Uganda and the developed world to create benefit
for all. Women in Uganda earn income through the creation of unique beaded jewelry made from recycled paper. People in the
developed world open their homes, hearts and communities to sell the beads, and learn about ways to fight extreme poverty.
Blood:Water Mission Blood and water represent a community-centered and integrated approach to AIDS that include establishing
basic conditions necessary for health, addressing the constraints of poverty, and empowering communities to take ownership
of their own long-term health development. |
Bridges to Prosperity Bridges to Prosperity uses community footbridge building to improve access to schools, clinics & markets.
They have bridge programs in Africa, Asia, Central and South America that directly improve the lives of millions living in
extreme poverty. |
Carolina for Kibera Carolina for Kibera promotes youth leadership, as well as ethnic and gender cooperation in the Kibera slum
of Nairobi, Kenya through sports, women’s empowerment, and recycling. CFK also improves healthcare and education in
Kibera. |
The Child Health Site One of the suite of free "Click-to-Give" Internet sites affiliated with The Hunger Site, The Child Health Site, provides vaccinations, micro-nutrients, oral rehydration salts, HIV/AIDS tests for newborns,
and prosthetic limbs to children. Clicking on the "Fund Healthcare for Children" button is free, with 100% of site advertisng
being paid to site partners Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, Helen Keller International, Prosthetics Outreach Foundation,
and Mercy Corps. |
Christian Children's Fund Christian Children's Fund is creating a better future for more than 7.6 million children & family members
in 34 countries, helping overcome poverty through education, early childhood development, nutrition, health, livelihood programs
& disaster relief. |
Christian Reformed World Relief Committee CRWRC is a Christian non-profit organization present with 2,000 communities in 30 of the world's poorest
countries where together we are addressing hunger and poverty through emergency disaster assistance, integrated community
development programs, and justice education. |
Church World Service Church World Service, a global humanitarian aid agency and ministry of 36 Christian denominations, works
to support sustainable self-help and development, meet emergency needs, aid refugees, and address the root causes of poverty
and powerlessness. |
Citizens for Global Solutions Citizens for Global Solutions is a grassroots membership organization that envisions a future in which nations
work together to abolish war, protect our rights and freedoms, and solve the problems facing humanity that no nation can solve
alone. |
Concern Worldwide US Founded in 1968, Concern’s team of 4,000 personnel works in 30 countries providing life-saving emergency
relief and long-term assistance (health, education, livelihoods, HIV&AIDS) for the poorest people in the least developed
countries of the world. |
CrossRoads CrossRoads is a character-based strategy dedicated to help communities worldwide discover the hope, life,
and truth of Jesus Christ in the midst of devastating societal needs such as HIV/AIDS, addictions, and violence. |
Edge Outreach EDGE OUTREACH is a faith-based nonprofit that trains and sends people and organizations to deliver integrated
water solutions where they are needed most throughout the world; hosts vision clinics for refugees and the poor; and networks
with local agencies and volunteers to provide community needs in our hometown of Louisville, Kentucky. In September 2007,
EDGE created SWIMSERVE.COM to train college students about the most efficient water solutions available and to mobilize them
to install the systems overseas and train indigenous leaders in their use and maintenance. |
Emergent Village Emergent Village is a growing generative friendship among missional Christian leaders seeking to love our
world in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. |
Engineers Without Borders - USA EWB-USA partners with developing communities to improve their quality of life through the implementation
of environmentally sustainable, equitable, and economical engineering projects while developing internationally responsible
engineers and engineering students. |
The Episcopal Church The Episcopal Church |
Episcopal Relief and Development Episcopal Relief and Development responds to human suffering around the world. We provide emergency assistance
after disasters, rebuildcommunities, and help children and families climb out of poverty. |
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America The 4.9-million-member Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) emphasizes worship and prayer, outreach,
ecumenical and interfaith dialogue, and preparing professional and lay leaders through college and seminary education. |
FORGE FORGE brings teams of Project Facilitators to Africa to partner with refugees. By implementing and sustaining
projects like HIV/AIDS education, women's empowerment programs, computer centers, and libraries, we create the beginnings
of responsible social action by refugees. |
Global Health Council The Global Health Council is the world's largest membership alliance dedicated to saving lives by improving
health throughout the world. The Council works to ensure that all who strive for improvement and equity in global health have
the information and resources they need. |
Grameen Foundation USA Grameen Foundation USA is dedicated to reducing global poverty among the poorest of the poor through microfinance.
GFUSA partners with 52 microfinance institutions in 22 countries that provide financial services to empower the poor to start
very small businesses to support themselves and their families. |
Habitat For Humanity Habitat for Humanity is an ecumenical Christian ministry that welcomes to its work all people dedicated to
the eradication of poverty housing. Some 200,000 Habitat homes now provide decent, affordable shelter to more than 1 million
people worldwide. |
Heartland Alliance Heartland Alliance's mission is to advance the human rights and respond to the human needs of endangered
populations through the provision ofcomprehensive and respectful services and the promotion of permanent solutions leading
to a more just global society. |
Heifer Heifer envisions a world of communities living together in peace and equitably sharing the resources of a
healthy planet. Their mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and to care for the earth. |
Hope for Kids International The Mission of H4KI is to bring HOPE to kids in the greatest need around the world through HEALTH (medicine
and medical/dental treatment), DIGNITY (practical provisions), JOY (entertainment and bringing smiles/laughter), and LOVE
(Christ's amazing love for each one). |
The Hunger Project The Hunger Project empowers grassroots people in more than 10,000 villages of Asia, Africa and Latin America
to achieve lasting progress in health, education, nutrition, family incomes and gender equality. |
The Hunger Site The original "click-to-give" Internet site started in 1999 to combat hunger one click at a time. Each daily
click is free to the visitor, and provides the value of 1.1 cups of staple food. 100% of site advertising is used to feed
the hungry through partners Mercy Corps and America's Second Harvest. |
InterAction InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based international development and humanitarian nongovernmental
organizations. With more than 160 members operating in every developing country, we work to overcome poverty, exclusion and
suffering by advancing social justice and basic dignity for all. |
The International Housing Coalition The International Housing Coalition (IHC) is a non-profit advocacy organization established to raise the
priority of housing on the international development agenda. The IHC supports “Housing for All” but particularly
for the poor and slum dwellers in the developing world in support of the MDGs. |
Islamic Relief Islamic Relief is a non-profit, international relief and development organization, striving to alleviate
the poverty and suffering of the world’s poorest people. |
Jubilee USA Jubilee USA Network is an alliance of 75 religious, environmental, human rights, and community groups working
for the cancellation of unjust debts to fight poverty in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. |
Keep A Child Alive Keep A Child Alive is a campaign that offers people the opportunity to provide lifesaving antiretroviral
(ARV) medicine and support services directly to children and families with HIV/AIDS in some of the world's poorest countries.
Living Water International Living Water International works in more than 22 countries to bring daily access to safe, clean water to
over 5 million people. LWI confronts the global water crisis, as well as hygiene and sanitation development, through a community
based approach of training, consulting and equipping. |
Lutheran World Relief Since 1945, Lutheran World Relief, an international nonprofit organization, has worked to end poverty and
injustice by empowering some of the world's most impoverished communities to help themselves. With partners in 35 countries,
LWR seeks to promote sustainable development with justice and dignity by helping communities bring about change for healthy,
safe and secure lives; engage in Fair Trade; promote peace and reconciliation; and respond to emergencies. |
Mennonite Central Committee Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is a relief, service, and peace agency of North American Mennonite and
Brethren in Christ churches. MCC seeks to demonstrate God's love by working among people suffering from poverty, conflict,
oppression and natural disaster. |
Millennium Campaign The Millennium Campaign encourages citizens around the world to hold their governments to account for their
promises in the Millennium Declaration and Goals. |
National Association of Social Workers NASW is the largest organization of professional social workers in the world. NASW social workers provide
humanitarian assistance for communities in transition, and develop policies to protect human rights both domestically and
in international settings.
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Nazarene Compassionate Ministries facilitates projects which address the temporal as well as the spiritual
needs of the economically disadvantaged through child development, disaster response, development education, and social transformation.
Net Aid NetAid educates young people about global poverty and international development, and provides opportunities
for them to take concrete actions that make a difference in the lives of the world's poor. |
Operation Blessing International Operation Blessing International (OBI) assists the poor with medical, hunger and disaster relief. Since 1978,
OBI has touched over 179.7 million people in 96 countries and across the U.S. giving goods and services valued at over $943
million. |
Opportunity International For 35 years, Opportunity International has fought poverty through small business loans and other financial
services. The world’s largest Christian microfinance organization, Opportunity serves 810,000 poor entrepreneurs in
27 developing countries. |
Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) The Presbyterian Church (USA) has approximately 2.4 million members in the U.S. and 11,000 congregations.
It is part of a larger church family of more than 75 million members of the Reformed Church family. |
Research!America Founded in 1989, Research!America is a national, not-for-profit, membership-supported public education and
advocacy alliance working to advance research to promote health. It's Paul G. Rogers Society for Global Health Research was
created to increase awareness of, and make the case for, greater U.S. investment in global health research. |
RESULTS Educational Fund For 25 years RESULTS Educational Fund has worked to create the political will to end hunger and poverty by
training citizens in advocacy, working with the media, and building coalitions in their communities. Through our sister organization
RESULTS, Inc. citizens lobby their own members of Congress! |
Save Africa’s Children Save Africa's Children (SAC) is among the first and largest African-American church organizations providing
direct support to AIDS affected and vulnerable children in Africa. SAC has directly assisted over 350 orphan care programs
in 21 African nations, providing direct support to schools, day care centers, medical clinics, feeding programs and children’s
homes in some of the most remote areas in Africa. |
Sojourners Sojourners/Call to Renewal is an ecumenical Christian ministry whose mission is to articulate the biblical
call to social justice, inspiring hope and building a movement to transform individuals, communities, the church, and the
world. |
UNA - USA UNA-USA is the nation's largest grassroots foreign policy organization and the leading center of UN policy
research. UNA-USA offers Americans thechance to connect with key issues like human rights, global health, development and
international justice. |
The United Methodist Church The General Board of Church and Society is the public policy and social justice agency of The United Methodist
Church. In 2004, the General Conference called for churches in the U S and internationally to work for the achievement of
the U N Millennium Development Goals. |
Unitarian Universalist Association The Unitarian Universalist Association's mission is to serve and strengthen its 1,000 member congregations,
to foster the growth of Unitarian Universalism, and to give public voice to Unitarian Universalist principles. |
USA for Africa United Support of Artists for Africa |
US Fund for UNICEF The U.S. Fund for UNICEF supports child survival, protection and development worldwide through education,
advocacy and fundraising. |
Union for Reform Judaism The Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) is the largest movement of Judaism in North America representing more
than 1.5 million members and 900 congregations. Although each congregation is autonomous and very individual in its programs,
worship style, and culture, all are characterized by the same core values of Torah (lifelong Jewish learning), Avodah (worship
of God through prayer and observance), and G’milut Hasadim (the pursuit of justice, peace, and deeds of loving kindness)
– expressed in lifelong study of the sacred Jewish texts, creativity and spirituality in worship, and social action
fulfilling the vision of the Prophets. |
United Nations Foundation Founded by Ted Turner, the United Nations Foundation acts to meet the most pressing health, humanitarian,
socioeconomic, and environmentalchallenges, through advocacy, building innovative public-private partnerships and grant making.
U.S. Coalition for Child Survival The U.S. Coalition for Child Survival is a coalition of organizations and individuals united to strengthen
U.S. and global commitment to improve the health and survival of children in developing countries by increasing the understanding
of unmet health needs and effective basic health interventions to improve child health and survival; advocating and mobilizing
commitment and resources to achieve the child survival goals; and increasing the level of U.S. public, private, and multilateral
funding for child and maternal health and survival. |
WaterPartners International WaterPartners International is a non-profit organization devoted exclusively to bringing safe drinking water
and sanitation to people in developing countries. By forging partnerships with carefully-screened partner organizations and
offering innovative financing methods through its WaterCredit Initiative, WaterPartners empowers local communities to develop
and sustain solutions to their own water needs. |
Winrock International Winrock International is a nonprofit organization that works with people in the United States and around
the world to increase economic opportunity, sustain natural resources, and protect the environment. By linking local individuals
and communities with new ideas and technology, Winrock is increasing long-term productivity, equity, and responsible resource
management to benefit the poor and disadvantaged of the world. |
World Hope International World Hope International is a faith based relief and development organization alleviating suffering and injustice
through education, enterprise and community health. |
World Hunger Year WHY attacks the root causes of hunger and poverty by promoting effective and innovative community-based solutions
that create self reliance, economic justice and food security. |
World Relief World Relief is a Christian relief and development organization focused on empowering the Church to relieve
human suffering, poverty and hunger worldwide in the name of Jesus Christ. |
YouthAIDS YouthAIDS, an HIV/AIDS education and prevention initiative of Population Services International (PSI), targets
at risk youth between the ages of 15-24 with positive, upbeat, relevant messages of self-empowerment and healthy decision-making
to protect them against HIV. |